Bimbo Canada, the parent company of Dempster’s®, wants to inform consumers about a change to select sliced bread products effective February 10th, 2022.
What’s changing
The following Dempster’s® sliced bread products will now have a “May contain: Sesame Seeds, Milk” statement on the package following the ingredient list. This statement originally only listed a ‘May contain’ warning for sesame seeds. It has now been updated to also include milk.
This new “May contain: Sesame Seeds, Milk” allergen statement affects the following Dempster’s® Sliced bread products, only in the provinces noted:

100% Whole Wheat, 675g
Provinces impacted:

100% Whole Wheat Thin Sandwich, 675g
Provinces impacted:

White Thin Sandwich, 675g
Provinces impacted:

Texas Toast
100% Whole Wheat, 675g
Provinces impacted:

Texas Toast
White, 675g
Provinces impacted:

100% Whole Wheat Sandwich, 675g
Provinces impacted:
Why is this change happening?
These bread products are now being baked on the same production line where bread products containing milk are being made. Although the lines are cleaned and sanitized after the products containing milk are baked and during weekly sanitation shifts, Bimbo Canada has determined that a “May contain milk” label is warranted.
Further details
As part of their communication initiative to inform consumers with food allergy, Bimbo Canada has provided a letter outlining this product labelling change, which we’ve included below.
If you have any questions or require further information, please contact Bimbo Canada directly at 1-800-465-5515.
As a part of our commitment to you, we will ensure you stay informed on the latest in food safety changes. We will also continue working hard on making “may contain” meaningful so you can make informed and safe food choices.
Letter from Bimbo Canada
February 10th, 2022 – New “May Contain Milk” Allergen Notification for Dempster’s sliced breads including Dempster’s® 100% Whole Wheat, 675g, Dempster’s® Whole Wheat Thin Sandwich, 675g, Dempster’s® White Thin Sandwich, 675g, Dempster’s® Texas Toast Whole Wheat, 675g and Dempster’s® Texas Toast White 675g.
Bimbo Canada would like to inform consumers of a change to some of our sliced bread products.
Effective February 10th, 2022, Dempster’s® sliced breads, 675g specifically 100% Whole Wheat, Dempster’s® Whole Wheat Sandwich Thins, Dempster’s® White Sandwich Thins, Dempster’s® Texas Toast Whole Wheat and Dempster’s® Texas Toast White bread will now include the statement “May contain: Sesame Seeds, Milk” on the package following the ingredient list. This statement originally only listed a “May contain” warning for sesame seeds. It has now been updated to also include milk.
Consumers will begin to see these new product packages in retail and grocery store locations in Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia shortly.
The May contain allergen statement for Dempster’s® 100% Whole Wheat, 675g will read May contain: Sesame Seeds, Milk.
The May contain allergen statement for Dempster’s® Sandwich Thins 100% Whole Wheat, 675g will read May contain: Sesame Seeds, Milk.
The May contain allergen statement for Dempster’s® Sandwich Thins White, 675g will read May contain: Sesame Seeds, Milk.
The May contain allergen statement for Dempster’s® Texas Toast Whole Wheat, 675g will read May contain: Sesame Seeds, Milk.
The May contain allergen statement for Dempster’s® Texas Toast White, 675g will read May contain: Sesame Seeds, Milk.
Bimbo Canada strives to provide accurate and consistent information to all consumers. Accurate labelling and our communication tools are key to informing our consumers about ingredients in our products.
Production formulations can change from time to time. We encourage consumers who are concerned about allergens to always read the ingredient and allergen statement on every package prior to every purchase.
For more information, contact us at 1-800-465-5515.

This safety update is a part of our Allergy Alerts service, which includes food recalls, allergen changes from food manufacturers, and labelling updates.
You can count on our Allergy Alerts service to ensure you are kept informed on food safety issues that impact you.