HomeAsk the Expert – Understanding allergen thresholds – Fall 2024 issue

Ask the Expert - Understanding allergen thresholds - Fall 2024 issue

Hear what the experts in food allergy have to say on topics that directly impact the food industry.

In this issue, we focus on allergen thresholds. Learn what thresholds are, what levels are being recommended and how they can be useful in making labelling decisions on pre-packaged products as part of your company’s risk assessment practices.

Article: Taking a risk-based approach to PAL: the role of allergen thresholds

Dr. Sébastien La Vieille from Health Canada shares his expertise on allergen thresholds. Learn what thresholds are, what levels are recommended and how they can be useful as a part of your company’s risk assessment practices.

Article: New research – Simulated use of thresholds for PAL: Impact of prevalence and risk

Dr. Silvia Dominguez from Université Laval shares the results of the first study to quantitatively assess the impact of a potential adoption of thresholds for PAL.