Plan ahead

If you are planning on trick-or-treating this year, here are some helpful tips.
Tip 1: Talk to your child about Halloween and what it means to stay safe. Pick a quiet time a few weeks before Halloween when you are not rushed (rather than when you’re heading out the door).
Tip 2: When you talk, model the “careful, not fearful” approach, staying positive while highlighting the big rules — like carrying their epinephrine auto-injector, and not eating any of the treats while out trick-or-treating.
Tip 3: Double check that your child’s auto-injectors are up-to-date.
Tip 4: Talk to neighbours about your child’s food allergy. Some parents meet neighbours ahead of time and give them safe treats to hand out.
Tip 5: Review your child’s emergency plan and what to do in case of a reaction. Remind your child that they should let you and others know if they are feeling unwell or they think they may be having a reaction.
While out

Tip 1: Ensure your child is carrying their auto-injectors (e.g. EpiPen, ALLERJECT, Emerade) with them at all times and that whoever they are with knows where the auto-injectors are in case of an emergency and how to use them.
Tip 2: Remind your child to not eat any of the candy before they get home.
At home
Tip 1: Participate in our #ShineATealLight campaign. Where you shine a teal light on your front porch to show your support for kids with food allergy. This campaign promotes safety, inclusion and respect of individuals managing food allergy. It’s also environmentally-friendly!
Tip 2: Offer non-food treats for trick-or-treaters, like stickers and pencils.
Tip 3: Offer allergy-friendly treats that are individually packaged and have ingredient labels on the package. Peanut and tree nut free treats are great, but many children have other food allergies like milk, soy, and wheat so having candy options with labels on them goes a long way.
Tip 4: Paint a pumpkin teal as another way to demonstrate support and drive awareness.
What to do with the candy afterwards
Tip 1: Some parents do a “switch witch” or a “great pumpkin”, where kids leave their treats overnight and parents exchange them for a new toy. Make a date to go to the store so your child can pick out what they would like. Read how one family incorporates the great pumpkin.
Tip 2: Donate the candies to your local seniors centre, food bank, or community centre.
Tip 3: If your child is keeping the treats, plan to sort them out together. Encourage your child to read the ingredient labels and help them determine which are the safe treats and which ones need to be discarded. This is a great time to build confidence in your child as they learn.
Going to a party or hosting a party?
Check out our tips on having fun and staying safe while celebrating in your social bubble. Plus, download our tip sheet for party hosts!
For any questions you may have, contact us at, or call 1 866 785-5660.