Register now for our upcoming webinars in our “Creating a better future” series. Read our statement on ALLERJECT® being available in Canada. Get answers to your questions on food allergy and COVID-19. Plus, check out our tips and reminders for an allergy-safe summer!
Sign up for our “Creating a better future” webinar series
We hope you have been enjoying our “Creating a better future” webinar series! Don’t miss the last three sessions this month:

June 17 at 1-2 pm EDT
Did you miss our previous sessions? Watch the recordings and share with others!
Adult sessions:
Future outlook of therapies with Dr. Cecilia Berin
The science behind food allergy with Dr. Elissa Abrams
The madness behind the numbers – accurate diagnosis, is it possible? with Dr. Edmond Chan
Youth sessions:
Food allergies don’t define me with Thomas Miles
Rock your food allergy with Kyle Dine
Thank you to our “Creating a better future” webinar series sponsors: ALLERJECT®, The Walter and Maria Schroeder Foundation, EpiPen®, Sean Delaney Memorial Golf Classic.
ICYMI: ALLERJECT® is now available in Canada

Last month, we announced that ALLERJECT epinephrine auto-injectors are widely available in pharmacies across Canada as of May 19, 2020. With ALLERJECT, Canadians now have access to a different option for an epinephrine auto-injector. Read kaléo’s statement to learn more about the product.
We have worked hard to help make this happen on your behalf. After two years of advocating for greater access to epinephrine, a life-saving medication, Canadians now have a second option with the arrival of ALLERJECT. Read our press release and check out our ALLERJECT launch FAQs to learn more.
For additional details about ALLERJECT, please visit allerject.ca or contact kaléo directly at 1-888-680-7340.
Your questions answered on COVID-19 and food allergy
Grocery shopping during COVID-19

Reading and checking ingredient labels has always been an essential part of grocery shopping for households with food allergy. With the current pandemic, this practice has become even more important as we may be purchasing groceries online or spending less time in the grocery store as we adhere to physical distancing requirements.
To help ensure you and your family continue to find products that meet your needs at this time, here are some important tips to consider using our triple check method:
- Stick to products/brands you are familiar with and have purchased before
- If shopping in person, go at off peak times if possible, so you can take the time you need to review the product ingredient information in the grocery store
- Review the ingredient list carefully, including the full list of ingredients in the product, any “Contains” statements (if used) and any precautionary allergen labelling such as “may contain”
- Call manufacturers directly if you have any questions on the products to inquire about ingredients
- Check all products again before you put them away at home and before preparing or serving
- Avoid any products that are not labelled or come from bulk bins
- Wash your hands before and after grocery shopping
If you’re buying groceries online, please follow these additional measures:
- Review the online ingredient list carefully (as outlined above) before ordering, as some online stores may have different levels of information that are displayed. If ingredient information is not provided, look for an alternative product.
- Do not allow for substitutions when ordering online as some of these products may not have the same ingredients as the product you have selected.
- Upon delivery of your groceries, check and read the ingredient label on all products carefully.
- Do not consume any products that have been damaged or opened during delivery.
- Wash your hands after handling your grocery delivery.
Managing food allergy
Visit our COVID-19 and food allergy section for answers to your questions including, how to prepare for a virtual appointment, whether or not to go the emergency department, and more!
Early introduction and COVID-19

Even during a pandemic, the Canadian Paediatric Society (CPS) continues to recommend introducing allergenic solids early — around 6 months, but not before 4 months of age — to infants at high risk of food allergy.
Learn more about this CPS recommendation with the resources below. Plus, check out this informative article by Maude Perreault, registered dietitian and research associate at McMaster University, and Dr. Elissa Abrams and Dr. Edmond Chan, co-authors of the CPS practice point on the introduction of allergenic foods. It notes that even during the COVID-19 pandemic, the benefits of allergy prevention outweigh the very small risk of a severe allergic reaction.
Reminders for staying safe this summer
With the COVID-19 pandemic, the end of the school year and summer in general will be different. Here are some helpful tips on having a safe summer at home, or in your local park.
Picnic in the park

If you are planning on enjoying a picnic in the park with your family, be sure to make and pack your own food, and bring your auto-injector. Also, if you have an allergy to insect stings, review our tips to prevent insect stings.
Read food labels carefully

Remember to read food labels thoroughly from start to finish and do the “triple check” with products you purchase in-store and online. There have been some instances where ingredient labels listed on websites are inconsistent with the ingredient labels on the products received. Take extra precautions and follow the triple check by reading labels:
- Once at the store (or online store) before buying a product.
- Once when you get home and put it away.
- Again before you serve or eat the product.
Epinephrine auto-injector reminders and storage

Check the expiry dates on your auto-injector devices and be sure to store them properly, as temperatures can affect the medicine. If you’re planning to be out all day in the hot sun, consider keeping your epinephrine in a cooler so it stays in a safe temperature range.
Tips to avoid cross-contamination and keep your kitchen allergy-friendly
Review our handy tips to avoid the risk of cross-contamination in the kitchen. Plus, check out more kitchen tips and discover our allergy-friendly recipes!
Review reaction signs and symptoms
Brush up your knowledge on the signs and symptoms of an allergic reaction so that you can give epinephrine, life-saving medication promptly. Plus, take the free 30-minute course at allergyaware.ca to review the basics of food allergy and anaphylaxis.
Tags: Allerject, covid-19, Creating a better future, early introduction, latest news, summer, webinars