Since September 7th, there has been temporary supply of AUVI-Q® epinephrine auto-injectors available across pharmacies in Canada. This additional stock is meant to help mitigate the current ongoing supply constraints of the EpiPen® 0.3 mg dose. AUVI-Q auto-injectors were previously known as Allerject auto-injectors in Canada. Read our FAQs on the AUVI-Q temporary supply.
We want your input on the status of these supply constraints. Your information is vital in directing our advocacy efforts. Please take our 5-minute survey to share your experiences. Your information will be kept confidential and will only be used to help inform us.
We will continue advocating hard on increasing accessibility to epinephrine in Canada. With the temporary supply in place for the short-term, we want to make sure you are getting access to available supply. At the same time, we continue to focus on the longer-term goal of ensuring there are at least two epinephrine auto-injector suppliers in Canada. You have our commitment that we will continue our ongoing collaborations with the Government of Canada, the Provinces, pharmaceutical companies, and other key stakeholders until there is a resolution to this issue.
Thanks in advance for your help. It’s with your input we can continue having informed discussions in our advocacy efforts.
Tags: auvi-q, EpiPen, shortage, survey