Our #GiveAndGo advertising campaign focuses on the importance of giving epinephrine and calling 911 when having anaphylaxis, a severe allergic reaction.
Epinephrine is the only medicine that can reverse symptoms of anaphylaxis and is considered life-saving medication. Canadian allergists advise that an epinephrine auto-injector (such as EpiPen® ) is the first line of treatment for anaphylaxis and should be used before asthma inhalers, antihistamines, or any other medications.
However, research has informed us that epinephrine is underused in treating allergic reactions due to a variety of reasons, including lack of clarity around the signs and symptoms of a reaction, and not having an epinephrine auto-injector on hand.
Our goal with this campaign is to ensure everyone knows the importance of using epinephrine when having anaphylaxis.
Our deepest gratitude goes out to the following, without their support we would not have been able to share this very important message:
- End Allergies Together (E.A.T.), a non-profit organization that funds food allergy research, and advertising agency BBDO New York, for allowing us to leverage their amazing Give and Go creative.
- VENDO Media for donating a significant amount of outdoor billboard space across Canada.
- Captivate Network for donating an extensive network of office lobby and elevator advertising across Canada.
- Adapt Media for donating a large amount of retail space where our ads will appear in independent convenience stores and small grocery and retail stores within city centres, busy intersections, and condo development areas.
- UB Media for donating a significant amount of advertising space across their national networks, including Landmark Cinemas, leading post-secondary campuses, and restaurants/bars.
Our campaign will feature the following:

When experiencing a severe allergic reaction, give epinephrine and go call 911.
As a part of our #KnowItTreatIt campaign, you’ll learn how to recognize signs and symptoms and Treat allergic reactions. Click on the box below to learn more.

Learn how to recognize and treat anaphylaxis. Watch our educational videos, take a free AllergyAware.ca course, download tip sheets, and more!